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How to search for asset information

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    How to search for asset information

    Is there a way to search for information centrally in CommitCRM? For example, I want to find an IP address and anything related to it at a client site. So I would want to search for that IP and then filter by client (or vice versa).

    This would especially help with searching information pulled from Continuum, where I may not know exactly what field was populated with it or a ticket entered by other tech, where the IP may be in a history note, labor item or ticket description.

    Re: How to search for asset information

    Yes, I believe that the Global Search feature is exactly what you want. Look for it at the bottom/left corner of the app.


      Re: How to search for asset information

      This is what I'm looking for! I'm playing around with it and will update if I hit any questions. Are there any fields it doesn't search or limitations that I should be aware of?

      I didn't see anything in the wiki when I searched "global search" just now.


        Re: How to search for asset information

        For example, will it index and search document contents of uploaded documents? (word, excel, pdf that has been OCR'ed)


          Re: How to search for asset information

          It searches plenty of fields including "memo" fields (e.g. Notes) as well as within the Asset Configuration Note (if you use that). However, it won't search each and every possible field as well as not in the content of document files you attach (and are saved externally) such as Docx files or Excel files.

          Hope this helps.

