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Easily find Tickets with no Charges

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    Easily find Tickets with no Charges

    With version 4.3 this advanced filtering option was added, which allows you to easily find Tickets with no Charges. You can filter any Ticket report to display only Tickets with no charges linked to them, i.e. Tickets where no work has been logged.

    You can combine this filter with the Ticket Status filter, and easily find all Completed Tickets with no Charges. This way you can easily find uncharged Tickets and add the missing charges in order to bill your customers. This will help you capture more billable time and parts used, so you can bill your clients for every appointment and all work done

    This option is available from the Report Generation Window, for all of the Tickets reports. To activate the filtering, check the Include Only Tickets with No Charges checkbox.


    The RangerMSP Support Team