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Web Interface Starting Page

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    Web Interface Starting Page

    Is there a way to have the first page after you login to the web interface be the Accounts tab instead of the Tickets tab? Our sales, accounting, and leadership teams typically need to search for Accounts, not Tickets. Only our help desk engineers focus their work day in Tickets.

    Alternatively, could the tickets search field be made more of a "Global Search" field so searches for a certain account would return all tickets associated with that account. Currently searches within Tickets only finds matches from what looks like the Description field, not even the Account field.

    Re: Web Interface Starting Page

    Thank you for asking. Unfortunately my answer is that there aren't such preferences at the moment and I've just added the items as suggestions so we will evaluate them for future releases. Thanks.


      Re: Web Interface Starting Page

      As a related question, can I bookmark a URL which will take me to the Accounts tab if I'm already logged in toCommitCRM? I know I can use the Record ID to jump to specific Opportunities or Accounts by going to http://COMMITSERVER/?cmtAction=View&cmtRecId=RECORDID and was wondering if there's a URL that will go to the overall Accounts tab. If there is, it would great if we can also get the URLs to go to other tabs in the web interface as well such as Tasks.


        Re: Web Interface Starting Page

        Unfortunately no such links are available at the moment. The link you listed is correct and will take you directly to any kind of record you refer the system to (Account, Asset, Ticket, Sales Opportunity, etc.), however, this will display the record details and not the records list.


          Re: Web Interface Starting Page

          I would just like to add my vote for an option to be able to set the default opening tab in web interface. Almost always we want to go to the Accounts tab.




            Re: Web Interface Starting Page

            +1 from us as well. I am usually looking for the account first.

