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July 27th, 2013, 01:40 PM
Posts: 226
For the users who use GFI or any managed services, how do you maximize revenue?>

I ask because now i am on my 130th customer, signed up to my basic package that provides health check and antivirus? Do you charge for each alert/ticket created? Do you include charging for labour?
July 29th, 2013, 06:00 AM
Posts: 242
Congrats on the number of signups. to answer your question, it would depend what you are charging them and what you said they get in your basic package. Is it $25 a month per PC? or $80? $150? If it were me some amounts would include some labour, or windows patching etc, other price points would just include the monitoring and then charging for any jobs that the monitoring stuff flags.

I'm trying to re-launch a SOHO package myself but having difficulty finding a price point that makes checking it every week worth my while but also making it not off-putting for a home office user.
August 8th, 2013, 06:19 AM
Posts: 33
we invoice the RMM and MAV agent yearly for each customer - $88 a year per computer

and we pay GFI monthly which is good for cash flow

we then alert the customer when we get a GFI alert that needs dealing with, basically we tell them we need to fix something on their PC (for a fee)

August 13th, 2013, 02:08 PM
Posts: 226
i still cant find time to get my head round scripting anyone got any tips?

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