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June 4th, 2019, 08:15 AM
Posts: 21
When we get emails to our support address (using the email connector) it formats them in plain text. Additionally, when we reply, it is in plain text. Finally, if we switch to html in Outlook it converts them back to plain text. How can we do all HTML emails with the email connector.
June 4th, 2019, 09:26 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

In case you refer to the email messages listed under the Ticket History - i.e. within the tab itself, then indeed here email content is listed as plain text - however you can always click the 'Show Original' link to open the original email as it was received from the customer - and it'll show the full HTML version, if one exists

While replying from the Ticket using Outlook, the email format depends on the Email Template type that is used to generate an email - Plain Text or HTML. Please verify that you use HTML template with a valid HTML structure.
Also, when sending as HTML customers should get the HTML version, under the app it'll list the plain text edition - but again - you can open it as listed above and see the full HTML version.

Hope this helps.

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