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June 13th, 2017, 07:33 AM
Posts: 3
Every so often, a messagebox pops up titled "CommitCRM Server - Problem Description" containing the following text:

13/06/2017 13:56:16

SMTP Exception: The server rejected the message: 552-5.2.3 Your message exceeded Google's message size limits. Please visit
552-5.2.3 https://support.google.com/mail/?p=MaxSizeError to view our size
552 5.2.3 guidelines. q98sm17517612wrb.3 - gsmtp

06/13/2017 13:51:16: Queued
06/13/2017 13:51:16: Connecting
06/13/2017 13:51:16: Connected

So CommitCRM connector is trying to send an email through our gmail account. It does this all the time, and almost always works.

But I presume there is a message somewhere that has been sent in by a client of ours with a very large attachment, and as the email connector is either trying to reply to it, or distribute a message from a support engineer on that ticket, and the email has hit the google email size limit.

How do I find it? The message in the popup does not include the ticket number, or the account name.

Is there a logfile that contains emails that are waiting to be sent, as there is a pretty good chance it is still lurking in a queue somewhere?

Is it possible, in a global ticket list, to sort in order of decreasing attachment size?

Is there a logfile that gives details (such as email address, subject or account name) for emails that are being sent / attempted to be sent?

It would be really helpful in a future version, if the contents of this popup could include something that identifies the email being sent.

Thank you.
June 13th, 2017, 08:22 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting. Outgoing emails are queued in folder \RangerMSP\Server\QSysEDOutbox - ones that aren't sent stay there (for a while). Look for the largest file there and move it to a backup folder and see how it goes.

Hope this helps.
June 13th, 2017, 10:19 AM
Posts: 3
Thank you. Sorted.

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