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December 4th, 2013, 02:45 PM
Posts: 101
Error code: 008004040A
Message: A QuickBooks company file is already open and it is different from the one requested or there are multiple company files open

We are getting this error code everytime we try to batch from commit to Quickbooks. This just started on Monday (12/2), before that it was working fine. We have re installed quickbooks, checked permissions and passwords and nothing is working. We have also verified the company path and it is set correctly. Help please
December 5th, 2013, 06:09 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
You may have inadvertently invalidated the QuickBooks security setting that allows RangerMSP to access the company file. We suggest reviewing the RangerMSP QuickBooks Link troubleshooter in order to resolve this. For more information regarding this topic, please click here.

Hope this helps.
December 10th, 2013, 10:42 AM
Posts: 101
We are still getting this error no matter what we do. We have applied every patch that Quickbooks has put out to no avail. Would re installing CommitCRM solve this error. We are at our wits end here.
December 10th, 2013, 11:26 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Re-installing RangerMSP will not change anything simply because RangerMSP installation does not really do anything except for extracting files. Nothing is really being "installed" with RangerMSP it simply runs. This is true both for the server side as well as to the client side - on each PC all you have is a desktop shortcut to a single file on the server. That's it.

I would, however, verify that the path you use to point to the company file in RangerMSP (Tools > Options > QuickBooks tab) is the SAME as the one you use to point to when accessing it from QuickBooks. It is not the same to access the same company file on the server, you should open it using the very same path.
December 20th, 2013, 02:32 PM
Posts: 104
So, after upgrading to Windows 8 we have the same problem. Extensive troubleshooting efforts reveal the following: Workstation OS = Windows 8 (64-bit), CommitCRM Version (32-bit), QuickBooks 2012 (32-bit). Prior to OS update, in order to create a QuickBooks invoice QuickBooks had to be open and running on the same computer as CommitCRM; if QuickBooks was not open when attempting to create a QuickBooks invoice then an error indicating such would be generated by CommitCRM. After OS upgrade to Windows 8 a QuickBooks invoice CANNOT be created if QuickBooks is open on the same computer and an error message indicating the file is in use by another user. BTW, this error also occurs if QuickBooks is NOT open on the same computer but IS open in multi-user mode on another computer on the network. After the OS upgrade, the ONLY way to successfully generate a QuickBooks invoice from CommitCRM is to be sure QuickBooks is not open on ANY computer on the domain. In this case, according to Windows Task Manager, CommitCRM is opening QuickBooks in the background as part of its' QuickBooks invoice creation process and successfully creating the invoice in QuickBooks. After this process, QuickBooks remains open "in the background" and more invoices can be created, but QuickBooks cannot be opened as a Windows application (since it is already running in the background). The only way to open Quickbooks as a Windows application is to open Windows Task Manager, highlight "Quickbooks (32-bit)" in the "Background processes" section and click on the End Task button. This "workaround" is extremely cumbersome and time consuming and the inability to have Quickbooks and CommitCRM applications up and running on the computer at the same time is unacceptable.

For some reason, when installed in Windows 8, CommitCRM "calls" the installed Quickbooks application and opens it "in the background" when we try to create a Quickbooks invoice. If Quickbooks is already open then the process fails, complaining that Quickbooks is already in use by another user or application. This is happening on both of our admin's computers (which were just upgraded to Win8).

Please respond with a fix ASAP. Thank you.
December 21st, 2013, 06:10 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
The integration with QuickBooks works well with Windows 8 and it does not behave differently on 8 than on 7 or any other earlier release of Windows. Also, whether or not RangerMSP manage to connect to a running instance of QuickBooks or create another instance in the background is not determined by RangerMSP but rather by the QuickBooks API layer that manages this.

One thing that you should try is as follows: QuickBooks API sometimes does not "like" mapped drive paths. Please change the path that the company file is opened with (both in QuickBooks itself as well as in RangerMSP's settings for the QuickBooks Link - under Tools > Options > QuickBooks), then save, restart everything and give it another try.

Hope this helps.
December 23rd, 2013, 09:01 AM
Posts: 104
That fixed it for us; QuickBooks was using a mapped drive path to open our company file. Changing it to a UNC path to the company file allowed Commit to properly create a QuickBooks invoice while QuickBooks is open. Thanks for your help!

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