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July 20th, 2011, 02:53 AM
Posts: 26
Hi There,

I am building a charge report to send to customers, where I wish to list charges, in columns of description, qty, unit price, total price.

I see that a charge can have a quantity, price, an adjustment (markup/discount) and a total, according to the "add charge" window. With labour type charges, we use a SELLING price in the price field. With a product/part type charge, if we put our COST price in the price field, and a markup % in the adjustment fields, the charge box correctly calculates the total selling price and puts it in the charge total field.

On the report, however, the unit price column lists the unit COST, which reveals our costs to the client. What field must we use to show an adjusted, or marked up unit price?


July 20th, 2011, 06:02 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Lawrence,

The Price field of an Item record in RangerMSP should hold the "list price" and not the Item Cost. The Cost has a different field as part of the Item record in RangerMSP.

The Price field of the Charge record is then filled with the one of the Item (except for Custom Pricing settings that may overwrite it) and you can discount/markup it.

Hope this helps.

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