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June 3rd, 2011, 02:41 PM
Posts: 14
Hi All,

I am trying to track my orders/projects under CommitCRM using contracts like it is indicated in the wiki.

I like the idea of creating a contracts and tickets to satisfy all the items that need to be taken care of, like ordering parts, installing parts etc. Meaning anytime I get a new part or software order it goes into a contract. I will then have templates to check off all the necessary requirement to fulfill the order.

My question is, I was thinking about keeping all of my projects starting with the code PROJ1 then incrementing the 1 to 2 like PROJ1, PROJ2, PROJ3

Is there a better method? should I use customer codes to group all the contracts for a particular code, like CUST1.0001, CUST1.0002

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Steve Wildow
June 6th, 2011, 06:07 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Steve,

Thank you for posting this.

I believe that the second approach CUST1.0001, CUST1.0002 or maybe CUST1.PROJ001, CUST1.PROJ002, etc. will work better. Here's why: some of the Contract/Project based reports allow you to filter From Code - To Code. Using this method (unlike PROJ1, PROJ2) you will be able to filter (or sort) the report in a way that you can query the data to cover several projects of a specific customer, for example - CUST1.PROJ017 to CUST1.PROJ022. While you can always filter the report by a specific Account having including the CUST1 as part of the project code provide additional flexibility.

In any case, both options should work well.

Hope this helps.

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