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August 25th, 2014, 08:04 AM
Posts: 15
Is there a way to allow charges to have fractional cent charges? We charge IRS rates for mileage and while currently this is 56 cents per mile, it's very common for the IRS to set it to a fractional cent (2013 was 56.5 cents per mile for instance). When I a default item cost/charge in CommitCRM at 0.565, CommitCRM will auto-round the amount to .57.

Is there a workaround for this? In the past the solution for mileage tracking was reports/expense charges but I'm not seeing how I can get CommitCRM to stop rounding this figure? Ideally, I'd be able to enter an item at a fractional charge but final charges on invoices would be rounded to the nearest cent. For example, 11 miles @ $0.565 would be $6.22 as $6.215 gets rounded up -- currently if you round to .57 on the item level then you end up overcharging 5 cents and billing $6.27.
August 25th, 2014, 09:41 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Currently there isn't a workaround for fractional cent charges. We'll take note of this though so thanks for asking.
August 25th, 2014, 06:55 PM
Posts: 524
Please do not get me started... I've (along with others) have been pointing out this rounding error for quite literally years!!

On top of the rounding errors, markup is based on totals instead of per-piece, which is crazy as a default method as this also introduces rounding errors.

It certainly would be nice if commit would focus on fixing bugs like this.


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