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January 9th, 2021, 08:41 AM
Posts: 1,146
What are people using in their email subjects?

From the options I see there is first paragraph and first line [FLDTKTCLCPROBLEMFIRSTLINE]
Both seem too long for an email subject.

Is there a way to only pull in the first 25 characters or the first sentence?


[0500-24040] | New email address for Kathy. Just following up on this email from Jim regarding the new email address. Do you have an idea when it might be able to be active? She starts next week and we want to make sure her computer, phone, and email are ready to go.

Some spam filters block it just because of the excessive length of the subject line!
January 11th, 2021, 06:02 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

Using the field <CMTLBLDATA_FLDTKTCLCPROBLEMFIRSTLINE> will result in adding a first line from the description, until the line breaks.
Currently this is the only field that can be used in the Email Templates besides the full Ticket description.

In other words - you can control what this field holds and embeds by hitting Enter in the right place, and only the text found until this line break (aka Enter) will be used.

Usually, with tickets created from inbound email messages, the first line is an original email subject.

Regarding the example that you provided, it seems that the Ticket was created from the email with the subject "New email address for Kathy", however it seems that break lines were removed, probably if the description was copied manually.

We would recommend that you test this Email Template with other Tickets as well and see whether it works better and only some Tickets are "problematic".

In any case, your suggestion will be logged and considered. Thank you.

Hope this helps.
January 13th, 2021, 09:36 AM
Posts: 1,146
I think you are correct that the first line is usually the subject when they email in directly. Manually entered tickets often have a much longer first line.
January 24th, 2021, 04:21 PM
Posts: 21
FWIW: The choice in the original design to omit the use of a seperate field for subject has always been a mystery and one of many points of frustration with this software.
April 16th, 2021, 08:39 AM
Posts: 201
When a ticket with elongated subject line arrives via the email connector, it is too late. The auto reply to customer is already ruined with the excessively long subject line. Now you have to *think* to edit the ticket body before replying, then the threaded conversation gets split. Nasty. Option to trim to 25 - 35 characters would be a welcomed improvement.

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