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June 26th, 2018, 08:43 AM
Posts: 3
Hi all,

We support client organisations who have multiple business sites. In most cases we have a single support contract that covers all sites including the client's head office. So our plan is to create separate accounts, however for future reporting purposes, accounts may need to be linked to a main account (i.e. the head office of a branch of smaller branch sites).

Previous threads from 2008/9 have suggested using secondary contacts of an account to achieve this however this leads to issues as when clients log their on tickets on the portal they cannot select which site they are from

Could anyone help out if they have found a workaround to this?

Many thanks,
June 26th, 2018, 09:34 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting.

Using Secondary Contacts to represent Sites/Locations should work and clients should be able to pick the relevant location/site/contact when creating new tickets. This is subject to customer Web user privileges to be able to see tickets of different contacts.

In case you do not see it please share a screenshot of what your customers see and we'll continue from there.

Hope this helps.

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