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April 17th, 2013, 02:05 PM
Posts: 2
Hi to all

I am very new to CommitCRM and Quickbook Pro Premier 2013 and am having one heck of a time configuring the two to work as I had envisioned. At present I have no employees, just hiring 3 sales reps and 4-5 techs. The sales reps will be on straight commission (one-time commission paid a flat fee and the other paid commissions earned per invoice based on service charges, not parts) with reps paid after the client pays the invoice. As for the techs, I plan to start paying them after the client pays the invoice but probably changing to payment bi-weekly payments after several months probationary period.
In my test environment, so far I haven't had success figuring out how to complete a ticket and sent the invoice to Quickbooks such that the customer is invoiced and a balance owing to the tech shows in Quickbooks.
I have been using Excel spreadsheets to run my business in the past which has worked well however I can't keep doing things this way now that I have sales reps and techs on the road.
I also dont have a month or two to figure this thing out. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Please let me know if you are in the Toronto GTA and are able to assist me in getting CommitCRM and QB to integrate.
April 18th, 2013, 05:37 AM
Posts: 942
In the US, that payment system wouldn't be legal unless everyone is independent subcontractors - you may want to verify that if you haven't already.

For sales reps, you could assign the correct sales rep to the account in Quickbooks. This would be a Manual, one time setting and assumes that you would pay commission to the sames sales rep over the life of the account.

For tech pay, I can't think of anyway to track this as-is. I think you have two options:
- continue with your system of Excel spreadsheets.
- use CommitCRM ODBC and Quickbooks ODBC (you have to purchase an ODBC driver for it) to pull the two databases together in Access and create the reports you want to see.

All the best!
April 18th, 2013, 06:01 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

RangerMSP wasn't designed to manage payment to staff when it comes for commissions that are paid when the customer actually pays. Having said that with RangerMSP you can track staff time by using the Charges feature. Once Charges are entered you will be able to generated Charge reports with various filters to see totals per staff/employee (e.g. per charges type, only labor charges and etc.).

BTW, RangerMSP's ODBC is free, when it comes to QuickBooks you will need to discuss it with them, as per lpopejoy's post.
April 18th, 2013, 10:41 AM
Posts: 2
Thanks for your reply. I'm setting up the sales reps on straight commission paid after the client pays their invoice. So far no one I have interviewed has complained about that method of payment.
As for the ODBC driver, is there instruction on how I can export to Access or an Excel format? Only problem will be that CommitCRM doesn't track when payments are made. It'd probably be rather easy for it to receive and track payments then update QuickBooks.

Could this feature possibly be implemented in a future release? I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd like to see this feature available.

April 18th, 2013, 11:14 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
All information about accessing RangerMSP using ODBC can be found here. In regards to payment information you will need to pull this from QuickBooks directly, and as per lpopejoy's suggestion - merge the two databases for your requirements.

In regards to implementing this - well, if it becomes very popular then it's possible. I must say that we haven't heard many requests for this so I do not know if/when. We will definitely consider it though. Thanks for asking.
April 18th, 2013, 07:27 PM
Posts: 942
This is what you will need for ODBC for Quickbooks. ODBC for CommitCRM is available already as noted above.


You will need to connect to both systems via Access then use a table that holds that link ticket #'s to Quickbooks #'s to join the tables you need together. Using this method you will be able to create a reports based on when Tickets on a particular invoice. I've done similar reports before, so I don't think it would be a problem.

To be honest, I think this is your only hope of ever getting the data you want. If you need more help, I can point you offline with the SQL syntax to get the data on the CommitCRM side.

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