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October 18th, 2022, 07:38 PM
Posts: 39
I recently left a partnership at an MSP that used RangerMSP since 2015.

I built several extensions to RangerMSP that I am working on getting published to share with the community. Among them:

REST API for RangerMSP
KnowledgeGraph DB for RangerMSP (and other services)
Workflow Automation (ticket queue automation)
Integration customizations:
PowerAPP in Sharepoint for new user creation / termination
Dashboard Reports into the KnowledgeGraph.

If you have Neo4j and/or ETL experience it will be really easy, but if you don't - I've attempted to give you the cliffs notes version to get you up-and-running - also be sure to read the 1st 2 articles before jumping into installation if you need some background on WHY a knowledge graph can be helpful (and what it is)

It is a LOT to unpack, so I'm starting with the KnowledgeGraph for RangerMSP. I will need some willing guinnea pigs to test out the instructions I have built. I had to re-design a bit of it to make it more generalized, rather than custom-suited for my former MSP organization.

Anyway - Here's the links, and please post back here if you are interested, have questions, or get stuck.

Background: Why do we need a knowledge graph
Overview: A KnowledgeGraph for RangerMSP
Requirements: Prerequisites
Installation: Step-by-Step Installation
October 19th, 2022, 08:03 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for this update.

It sounds excellent and can be highly beneficial to many MSPs.

The options you listed may open the door to many different exciting implementations and integrations.


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