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Work would be great if it wasn't for customers....

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    Work would be great if it wasn't for customers....

    Ok here's the tongue in cheek thread where you get to offload about that annoying, outrageous, unreasonable customer who had you pulling your hair out or trying not to laugh in their face.

    Post your stories here!

    To start off, here's a couple.

    Customer bought a Netgear PCI wireless adapter from the store and took it home to set it up. After some hours he rings and says he thinks it's faulty. No worries we say, just bring it back in, we'll test it on the spot and if its stuffed we'll give you another and test it before you leave. Customer asks if one of the onsite techs can come to the house to check it out, yes of course but is informed there will be onsite fees. Turns out the unit is faulty so the onsite tech replaces it then and there and gets it all going. Customer is given (small) onsite bill for labour and starts screaming blue murder about the item being faulty and under warranty so he shouldn't have to pay a thing. Bye bye customer.

    Go onsite to a small business where the boss is having problems with his Outlook. He is on exchange with Outlook in cached mode and has a 6GB+ .ost file. Suggesting he clean up outlook, archive his old mail etc he asks if we can do it for him, no problem. 7000 messages in the Deleted Items folder are the first to go. Half an hour later boss is back at his desk and asks where all the deleted items are? Deleted, we say. But thats where I store all my filed email, he says. Pause while i figured out a way to ask him why without implying he is a complete moron. Not really successful.
    Why do you store email in a folder called Deleted Items?
    I didn't know where else to put them.
    Anyway thank the lord for exchange, all the emails were recovered.

    Re: Work would be great if it wasn't for customers....

    You know, what's funny about that, is that a few of my customers really value their deleted email as well.

    In many ways, the "delete" button is a great way to file your email done. Outlook should have a "filed" button by default.

