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Attach Completed Ticket Report to Email for Customer

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    Attach Completed Ticket Report to Email for Customer

    Long story short, every time a ticket is completed we use PDF/Email button in CommitCRM to email customer a copy of the completed ticket. They sign it and send it back to us. All this works great, the only thing I we would like to change is the body of the email.

    When we click that PDF/Email button in CommitCRM, it automatically attaches ticket report in PDF form, fills out recipients email address which is great.

    Now what we want is the body of the email to be blank. All we want is email signature in it, we don't want another copy of the ticket report.

    Is this possible?

    Thank you

    Re: Attach Completed Ticket Report to Email for Customer

    Thank you for posting this.

    First create a custom Email Template to use:

    Go to Settings > Email Templates

    Click New to create a new template or (easier) Copy to make a new one based on an existing template, for example Ticket Details - Designed.

    Add/edit whatever content you want in your email, give it a name, make sure the Active box is checked and save it.

    Now you can either:

    Right-click on your new template and choose Set as Default which will cause the Email as PDF button to use that template.


    Go back to the Tickets window, instead of clicking the Email Ticket as a PDF Attachment button, you click the Print to PDF button which opens the Print to File options window. Now just select Email instead of Save as File and select your new custom template from the dropdown list. Now when you click OK your PDF will be attached to an email which uses your template.

    Hope it helps.

