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July 17th, 2009, 12:35 PM
Posts: 524
when doing a "copy contract to new period...", we should have an option to update all open tickets to use the new contract. when we copy contracts, it's usually because the old contract is all used up. after creating the new contract, we then need to go visit all the open tickets to update the contracts so that new charges get applied to an active ticket... it would be nice to have the option for CommitCRM to update these automatically.

thanks --

July 17th, 2009, 02:32 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Sounds like an interesting idea, ray. I can see how offering this option can be helpful in many cases. I'm not sure that this should happen at the time of renewing the contracts because you can renew contracts even before they expire. In this case the system will keep using the old ones until their expiration dates, so you wouldn't want all tickets to be transferred yet at this point. Still, this option may be helpful, perhaps being activated using a special option.

The way the system handles this situation at the moment is keep the ticket with the "old" contract, and whenever you enter a new charge using this contract, it shows an alert message, letting you know this contract is out of date. This assures that you won't enter charges against the wrong contract, however, it does require changing it manually, so making this more automated sure sounds helpful. Thanks for the suggestion, I logged it in our system.

July 18th, 2009, 07:50 AM
Posts: 84
Let's add the ability to mark the existing contract as completed as well!
July 27th, 2009, 04:03 PM
Posts: 34
ajgyomber, YES!! I get somewhat confused having to disseminate which is the new or OLD one

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