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April 9th, 2011, 08:59 PM
Posts: 5
Dear Support

I was wondering if there are any plans for releasing a Kaseya to commitcrm interface? I know that the email connector can be used to take information from xml emails and import tickets into commitcrm. I am talking about a closed loop database to database connection.
The reason that I ask this question is because I have built a prototype Kaseya to commitcrm interface. My interface needs some development put into it. I did not want to waste development dollars if you are going to release an interface. If there are no plans to release a Kaseya to commitcrm interface then I will finish my interface.
My interface can currently match Kaseya organizations to commitcrm accounts. The interface can import Kaseya agents into commitcrm assets and associate the asset with the correct account. Currently the agent name, manufacturer, model and serial number populate into the asset.
I plan on adding closed loop ticketing. Tickets opened in Kaseya would populate in commitcrm. When the ticket was closed in commitcrm it would close in Kaseya.
I would add synchronization of Kaseya agent contacts to commitcrm account contacts. The contact would be associated with the correct asset.
I plan on adding the ability to create Kaseya organizations from commitcrm accounts and vise versa commitcrm accounts from Kaseya organizations.
If there is any interest I would be willing to sell the interface to other commitcrm users. I was thinking some where around $500 for the interface and 20% annual mainteance after the first year.
If anyone is interested please reply to this post. If there is enough interest I will get the interface ready for production release.
April 11th, 2011, 06:11 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi ateckstrom,

Thank you for posting this. As you may know an integration of RangerMSP with Kaseya is already available as described here. That being said, it seems like the integration level and options that you described provide a more robust solution and I'm sure many RangerMSP users will be very happy to use such integration.

In regards to our own plans for this, we have already received several requests to enhance the existing integration. We usually tend to provide solutions to our customers needs so I believe that it is possible that will offer a more advanced integration at some point in the future. I believe that in case a solution like yours will be available and people will be happy with it then this request will be pushed down on our list.

All in all it sounds like a great idea and design for a plug-in. If any assistance with using our API is required please let us know. We will be happy to provide all of the relevant information and any assistance.

March 25th, 2015, 01:35 PM
Posts: 1
did you ever do anything with the CommitCRM / kaseya api? i would be interested

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