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Charges Query

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    Charges Query

    Good morning

    I have a tickcet open and I need to charge two items to it.

    One charge is a ticket that is related to a supplier. The second charge is an item that is associated to a customer.

    When I try to charge the second of the two items CommitCRM will not allow to me because it is a different "account".

    When I click OK and it defaults the second charge to the original account which is the wrong one for this item.

    Is this possible or is there an alternative solution.


    Re: Charges Query


    Mmm... this is a tricky one, and not a very common use case.

    In general, all the Charges for a specific Ticket are linked to the relevant Ticket and the relevant customer Account. Charges are the way to log the work performed or other expenses and parts which were used in order to solve this Ticked. Charges on Tickets are used in order to bill the customer for them later on. You can set each Charge to be billable or not billable depending on your intention to bill the customer for these expenses.

    In your case, I believe both Charges should be linked to the same Ticket and Account, and if one of the items is a Parts item, then this means you plan to charge the customer for this item.

    Tracking your activity with each supplier on the other hand, is not related to the Ticket Charges (as these are meant to be used in order to charge your customers). Let's say you purchase a part from your supplier and use it for a specific Ticket. In this case, you should charge the customer for the part you sell them, and pay your supplier for this part.

    In order to track the parts which you purchase from each supplier (if this is something you need as part of your RangerMSP database), you can add History Notes under the Supplier Account inRangerMSP. There you will be able to track and see all activity with this supplier.
    Another trick would be to add "Charges" records for your supplier (which are not related to a Ticket). Note that in order not to see this as an open balance, you should mark these "charges" records as Not Billable.

    I hope this is clearer now. BTW, if you haven't read this yet, you may be interested in our Introduction to Charges and Billing which provides a good coverage of the usage of Charges inRangerMSP.


