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November 13th, 2014, 03:26 PM
Posts: 3
Our tickets typically require separate individuals to complete separate tasks within the same ticket. Is there any way to create a To Do work item in a ticket and assign it to someone else other than the ticket manager? Each staff person refers to their To Do list each day so having it automatically appear in the user's To Do list is necessary.
November 14th, 2014, 05:58 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
It seems like you're after Tasks that can be added under the Pending tab of the Ticket. Each Task is assigned to a specific individual that can be different that the Ticket Manager. Also, each Task has a due date/time and is listed in the personal and global list of Tasks assigned to each user under the Tasks tab of the Calendar.

In case you nonetheless want to use To-do Lists, you may create a separate list for each user and name that list by the user name.

Hope this helps.

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