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Client Email for Creation of Ticket

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    Client Email for Creation of Ticket

    hi all

    we have the alerts add-on, the email connector add-on as well as the web add-on. unfortunately, the way we are structured, we are not using the facilities as we should.

    at present, clients are emailing techs directly for support request and the techs will manually create the tickets in CommitCRM. its a drag but it keeps CommitCRM nice and clean. all communications are kept away from the client

    we recently got into a situation and we would like to seek advice from the community

    we are considering opening up CommitCRM to allow clients to create tickets via email directly on CommitCRM. are there any potential pitsfalls to look out for?

    Re: Client Email for Creation of Ticket

    we are considering opening up CommitCRM to allow clients to create tickets via email directly on CommitCRM. are there any potential pitsfalls to look out for?
    lead-on question = does CommitCRM allow the opening up of ticket creation to a selected number of clients? or is this is a global switch?


      Re: Client Email for Creation of Ticket

      Having customers email in and having their email messages automatically converted into service tickets is a very popular feature and you should definitely consider using it.

      Email messages that are unidentified or cannot be processed automatically are forwarded for manual processing anyhow.

      One of the pluses of using the Email-2-Ticket feature is that it is not handle the ticket creation part but rather it manages the entire ticket email thread including all employee and customer replies.

      When enabling this feature it is enabled to all customers. In case you want to "hide" it from some consider using a new mailbox - like instead of the known support@ address, and telling only the relevant customer about tickets@ ... just a thought.

      Also, note that even if customers keep emailing technicians directly - technicians can simply forward the message to the email connector and having the forwarded message create a new ticket under the customer Account in RangerMSP. To learn more about this read article How To Create Tickets On Behalf of Your Customers Using Emails.

      Hope this helps.


        Re: Client Email for Creation of Ticket

        thanks for the reply. apologies for the delayed response.

        When enabling this feature it is enabled to all customers. In case you want to "hide" it from some consider using a new mailbox - like instead of the known support@ address, and telling only the relevant customer about tickets@ ... just a thought.
        yes, that's something we will definitely take up. set up a FRESH email address so that only those in the know will be able to email in.

        here's the lead on question:

        - considering the new FRESH email address tickets@xxx
        - we only publicize this to two clients ... Client-A and Client-B
        - when both these clients email in, tickets get created etc. etc.
        - now, what happens to Client-C and Client-D?

        naturally, since they do not know about the tickets@xxx email address, they will not be able to create tickets on their own

        but what happens when our own techs create tickets, close tickets and comment on tickets for Client-C and Client-D ... will they (the clients) get emailed?


          Re: Client Email for Creation of Ticket

          If Client-C email address exists in RangerMSP (e.g. Stored in the Accounts and Contacts database), then an email message sent by this Client-C to the new support mailbox (tickets@....) will create a ticket for the relevant Account.

          When techs create/close/reply-to-the-Tickets, Client-C may get the email depending on the settings.

          For example, if the Alerts to Customers feature is turned on, Client-C will get email about new and closed Tickets. It is possible to turn off such alerts to specific customer using Accounts menu > Email Alerts > Stop alerting this Account about new/closed Tickets.

          If you are not interested to expose the new email address for all customers, the tech should not send their replies to tickets@... but rather directly to the customer... in any case, what usually should be "hidden" is the email address you use for manual processing, e.g. the address messages that cannot be processed are forwarded to, the email address facing customers, aka Public Email Address, is normally exposed to customers.

          Hope this helps.


            Re: Client Email for Creation of Ticket

            Thank you for the reply.

            For Client-C ... the "Accounts menu > Email Alerts > Stop alerting this Account about new/closed Tickets" only handles the opening and closing of tickets.

            (a) If a tech adds to the ticket via the web or the CommitCRM client, does the details get emailed out to Client-C?

            (b) If we remove email contact information in all contacts for Client-C, would that prevent any emails from getting to Client-C? Would that work?

            We are in a unique situation as we only want to turn on the email connector for a small number of clients i.e. Client-A and Client-B ... All other clients should not receive any email notification from CommitCRM.


              Re: Client Email for Creation of Ticket

              (a) If the ticket is added by a technician, Client -C will not get any email alert in case Client-C's alerting settings are disabled. However, in case their alerting settings are enabled, which is the default, they will get an email message and its content depends on the template format used for such alerts, usually it contains a ticket number and some basic text like "New Ticket was created..."

              (b) Yes, removing the email address from the Accounts and contacts will prevent sending ANY Alerts emails to the customer (even if the alerting settings are enabled for the customer) and will not create new tickets for the customer as it will not be recognized as existing record in RangerMSP.

              Hope this helps.


                Re: Client Email for Creation of Ticket

                Thank you!

                Guess we will just have to remove all the email addresses from all existing accounts and only add those that we want to enable email communications.

                Do you know for a quick method to do so? We've got like a few hundreds to go through!


                  Re: Client Email for Creation of Ticket

                  You can try using the Account Batch Update accessible from Accounts main menu > Tools.
                  Take a backup first, as this action is irreversible.
                  This tool will update ALL Accounts filtered and shown in the list.
                  In order to empty the email address you can enter a blank value using a spacebar on the keyboard.

                  Hope this helps.


                    Re: Client Email for Creation of Ticket

                    thanks - will get a backup and give it a try!


                      Re: Client Email for Creation of Ticket

                      Account batch update works! We managed to delete all the email addresses from all accounts. Thank you!

                      Continuing on the topic ...
                      service request =
                      service request internal =

                      How would one handle if we are managing emails via 2 domains? i.e. and


                        Re: Client Email for Creation of Ticket

                        You are welcome and thank you for the update! I'm not that I fully understand your question but let me try to provide you with some relevant details:

                        Both email addresses are defined using the ServerConfig utility.

                        For the Email Connector you can configure only one Public Email Address for incoming emails, for example:, and for internal processing/manual you configure another email address, that can be of another domain - e.g. such emails can be forwarded to any email address that you configure.

                        Hope this helps.

