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March 7th, 2008, 09:07 AM
Posts: 43
We have phone reps. who take in phonecalls and provide the support on the spot. In some cases we don't even need to open a ticket for this, still we want our technicians to be able to record this communication and sometimes charge for it. What is the best way handle this?
March 7th, 2008, 09:44 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
You can record any activity relating the Account directly under the Account record, rather than open a Ticket. In the Account's History tab, you can click New (on the bottom part of the tab), and add New History Notes and log the phone call there.

In case you wish to bill the customer for the phone call, or any other work performed, without opening a Ticket, you can also add New Charges from the same place, and they will be linked to the Account. You can then view all the activity which relates to this Account (with Tickets or without) from the Account's History tab.

A convenient way to add Charges is using the Timer - when the call comes in, the technicians can start the RangerMSP Timer for this Account, and when it is finished, click the $ icon and automatically create a Charge for the time spent, which will be automatically linked to the Account.



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