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December 11th, 2017, 07:14 PM
Posts: 32
Is there a way to close multiple tickets in one go?
One of our guys has over 1000 open tickets and we need to shut them but it is painful having to do it one at a time.
December 12th, 2017, 06:07 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

Although there is no built-in option to close multiple Tickets at once, as a one-off workaround you may use Export and Import tools to update the Ticket Status to 'Completed'.

Here is what you should do:

Important - Take a backup of RangerMSP prior performing this as this action cannot be undone.

1. From the Tickets list, export the Tickets you want to update to Excel - using the Table Options > Export Table Data in the pop up menu.

2. In the created Excel file -
- Remove all columns except Ticket Number and Status.
- Update a status value for all Tickets rows to 'Completed'

3. Import the Excel file into RangerMSP using Tools > Data Tools > Import Tickets tool.

While in the import wizard - make sure that Ticket Number and Status fields are mapped.

As a result the existing Tickets status will be updated to 'Completed'

Again, make sure to take a BACKUP before importing the Tickets Data.

Hope this helps.
February 12th, 2018, 09:07 PM
Posts: 32
Thanks for this. Will give it a go :)

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