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September 5th, 2008, 07:09 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Searching for articles in RangerMSP's Knowledge Base uses an advanced free-text search (Google-like) that looks through all text fields, including Titles, Problems, and Solutions. You can also search by specific article fields by selecting the field name in the Find selection list.

Look for strings composed of words, phrases, logical operators, and parentheses for grouping precedence:

* Use the conditional search, including the logical operators OR, AND, NOT, and NEAR. The precedence of the logical operators, from lowest to highest, is OR, AND, NOT, NEAR.

* You can use parentheses to change the precedence grouping.

* Automatically use implied AND operator between words when not specificed.

* Use double quotes as phrase delimiters.

* Search with wildcards - search for prefix matches, postfix matches, or substring matches. This behavior is controlled through the use of the asterisk (*) character.

You can read more about the advanced searching options in the Knowledge Base Guide, under Searching for Articles.


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