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July 22nd, 2019, 11:17 AM
Posts: 188

We love CommitCRM and have been using it for 10+ years now. One of my friends just started using CW and I was shown some features that would be useful within CommitCRM.

1. Multiple E-Mail addresses, as an example we currently use 'support@' for everything, but would like the ability to use 'accounting@' to send and receive from and possibly one or two more. This would just expand the usefulness for commit to be able to assign tickets to different departments.

2. Additional primary status options, we are locked into the 10 total status options. It would be nice to have more, instead of using the status extension.

3. Ability to automate emails based on more statuses, currently you can have 1 email template emailed on status change. It would be nice to have the ability to have more 'if status, then send this email' options within the alerts settings.


July 22nd, 2019, 12:33 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for your feedback, it is much appreciated!
These are great ideas and we'll definitely review them, we're aware of some, though from a different angle.

July 23rd, 2019, 05:22 AM
Posts: 1,146
Those would be great additions. More status options (like 15) would help.

We demoed a system and the same contact could be on multiple accounts, reducing errors and duplicate billing.

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