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Geo Ip Locator

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    Geo Ip Locator

    This Online Service locates IP addresses on a map (usually shows location of the ISP).

    This Online Service takes the address from the Account's Web field so it requires a Web Address or IP Address to be defined in the Account under Details tab > Web.

    To activate the Online Service once defined, go to the Account and choose the Geo Ip Locator service from the Online Services list via the toolbar.

    The RangerMSP Team

    Disclaimer - Before importing the Online Service you should read the terms of use for each web site you want to access. The attached is an example of an Online Service demonstrating how to use online services and how to pass parameters to the relevant Web site. We cannot guarantee that the Online Service will always work as each Web site has the right to change the way they work.
    Attached Files

    Re: Geo Ip Locator

    I also found a website that locates Ip's, it has an IP Locator function
    that it helped me. I hope it does the same for you.

