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April 13th, 2015, 01:17 PM
Posts: 15
We are using a standard contract which is batch renewed at the end of every month for our customers.

Lets say we open a ticket for a customer in the month of March. The technician works on it, logs time, etc. The ticket is left open as the work isn't complete. Now April is here. When the technician enters their time a warning message indicates the Contract status is Completed. Selecting yes allows the tech to open a charge and the contract is highlighted in RED. Now the tech can log their time on an expired/completed contract or they can select the current month's contract.

Ideally when the tech goes to enter their time it would default to the current-month contract thus eliminating the need for the technician to choose.

Is there a recommended use so that technicians don't have to make this choice? Also is there a way to dis-allow logging time against a completed contract?
April 13th, 2015, 01:58 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
The best option for such contract-spanning Contracts would be to edit the Contract field of the Ticket. When you do it will not affect any Charge already logged and - it'll default to the new Contract automatically when additional Charges are added under the Contract.
To your other question - at this time there is no way to block such Charge entries as there are many cases where it is required (like when the technician only logs yesterday charges on the 1st of the month, etc.). Though that's an interesting idea.

Hope this helps.
March 20th, 2018, 01:34 PM
Posts: 15

Every month we have about 10 customers that I set up a new contract for so all of our technicians can put that months tickets/charges against during the month. In some instances there are recurring monthly tickets. Is there a way to automate the tickets that are recurring?
March 20th, 2018, 02:32 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Yes, when a Contract is renewed for the next month, during the renewal process in case the Contract has an Activity Template selected for it this template is applied and executed. In case the template includes Tickets then new Tickets will automatically be created under the new Contract.
November 12th, 2018, 06:06 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Starting with version 20 you can use the Recurring Tickets feature that allows automating repeating tasks for customers and does not require creating and renewing Contracts.

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