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December 29th, 2014, 04:55 AM
Posts: 3
Hi guys,

I am running a weekly scheduled report on Contract Type and Expiration and have found that it lists 'completed' and 'cancelled' contracts as well as 'active' ones.

Has anyone else noticed this issue or is it just me?

Thanks, Rob.
December 29th, 2014, 06:13 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
You are correct, though the explanation for this difference is: while the same layout is used, a scheduled report is not based on the same filtering criteria as a report you generate manually but rather on predefined criteria.
At this time, existing criteria for scheduled Contract reports allows filtering by the Contract Start/Open Date or Expiration/End Date and also by the Account Manager.
This way you may get Contracts of various statuses in the report depending on set date range.

We may add support for additional filtering options in a future release.

Update from RangerMSP Team:
In RangerMSP 29 we added the ability to use custom filters when scheduling the report.
More detailed information can be found in Report Scheduler Filtering_options

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