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March 18th, 2008, 07:22 AM
Posts: 38
Is it possible to add 'hot notes' in CommitCRM so that when you view an account, you can see special information about the account?

For instance, if there is an account that has special information the tech should know this before going there, we could add a 'hot note' that says something like "Be sure to ask for Lisa when you get there and park in the parking lot at the back of the building."

Some of our accounts are located in building that the address alone would not help with, so 'hot notes' could be displayed on the account form that tells us that information.
March 18th, 2008, 08:11 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Sure, you can add notes in the Account's Service tab. In this tab, you have two fields for notes:
1. Description - this field can be used for service terms details, and also for special notes regarding this Account, such as the note about the address.

2. Internal - here you can add internal notes about the Account, which you do not want the customer to see. This field is internal, so it is not displayed to the customer when they view their details (using the Web Interface for Customers).

Both of the fields mentioned above can be added to the Technician Service Forms when customizing the reports (you can read more about customizing reports on our FAQ > Reports section). Note that the Internal Notes should be printed carefully, in case you use them for confidential comments regarding the Account, so you may prefer to use the Description for this purpose.

Note that the services notes are also displayed when viewing the Ticket window, in the Contract/Asset tab.


March 18th, 2008, 03:08 PM
Posts: 38
Thanks for the follow up, but I don't think the solution addresses the larger issue. I am asking about the ability to to have a note that displays regardless of what screen or tab I happen to land on when I get to that account. Having the note only appear "IF" the tech gets to a particular screens leaves a lot of chance that it will never be seen.
March 18th, 2008, 03:47 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thanks for the additional feedback.

If this helps, when you view the Tickets using the "Complete Details" view (can be set in the top-right corner of the Tickets window), the General details are displayed on the top part, and the first tab you see is the Contract/Asset with the service notes. This makes the notes even more accessible.

you may also consider adding a pop-up message for the Account, which pops-up a window with the message when viewing the Account in the Accounts list window. You can set this in the Account details tab.

In any case, thanks for bringing that up. We logged your suggestion into our system for further evaluation.


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