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WhattsApp - what to do

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    WhattsApp - what to do

    We are experiencing increasing problems that engineers and clients are communicating more and more via WhatsApp and not the CRM. They clients get immediate responses (which they obviously like).
    We have encouraged clients to use the CRM for all the obvious reasons which they do foe approx 1 week and then it is back to WhatsApp.

    Does anyone have a way of integrating WhatsApp to CommitCRM or how they have successfully got clients to use the CRM as opposed to WhatsApp.

    Re: WhattsApp - what to do

    Interesting question. We're experiencing a similar trend particularly with WhatsApp for Business being in use. I'll be watching this one closely.


      Re: WhattsApp - what to do

      This happened in my country about 2 years ago, majority of us using WhatsApp.
      Customer created the WhatsApp Group and add us into this group.
      and they complaint the issue via whatsApp.

