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March 20th, 2017, 09:12 AM
Posts: 1,146
Can I add a person/group as a selection so that I can avoid several clicks to select the users whose ticket I want to see?
March 20th, 2017, 09:33 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
You can create Filters and save them where each filter will filter for only specific employees in the group. Then, simply apply the relevant group-filter from the dropdown and you're done.
March 20th, 2017, 09:47 AM
Posts: 1,146
Can that filter be chosen from the manager list in the ticket window?

How do I attach an image so you can see where I am talking about?
March 20th, 2017, 09:53 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
A Filter may includes filtering criteria for many different fields, not just the ticket Manager, and therefore you can pick it from the Filters top dropdown, unlike the left side employee selection option.

(Check the text formatting rules here).

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