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API/Database for Employee

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    API/Database for Employee

    We are going to connect our phone system to CommitCRM so that customers can enter a ticket number, and then the caller will be connected with whoever the ticket is assigned to.

    I get that we can query for the ticket number, and one of the values would be the employee ID we get to know the employee.

    But what i can't find is what table the Employee records would be in so we can then cross reference the employee ID to get their phone number to call. So for example "phone 4"

    So what would my flow would be as this.

    Look up ticket based on Ticket number,
    From there get the employee ID on that ticket.
    Lookup that employee ID to get their phone 4 entry.

    Can someone point me to which databases table and values i would need to look at. Best i can tell

    Ticket number - FLDTKTTICKETNO
    Phone 4 - ?????

    Just don't see anywhere to find that info. Any help would be appreciated. Of if someone already doing this, please chime in.

    Re: API/Database for Employee

    Cards table.

    Don’t ask me why employees are mingled into the accounts. ;)


      Re: API/Database for Employee

      I saw your post today and wrote this code for you to get the phone number of the employee that is assigned to the ticket.

      It is at this website.
      The code requires an installation of the Jupiter Server we have developed to be on the same LAN or the same PC as your CommitCRM installation.

      Some hints.....
      The Ticket table contains a field called EmployeeRECID (or FLDTKTWORKERID) as you have mentioned.
      However the contents of this field is not a similar syntax to AccountRECID.
      The contents are actually the Nickname of the Employee, that you can find in the CommitCRM User Interface in the employee section. This nickname field is NOT accessible via the API. Well, at least we cannot find it and nickname is not in the API reference either.
      So how does our code work then?

      The first select takes the supplied Ticket Number and retrieves the EmployeeRECID, in my case Andrew.
      Then the next select looks for a record in the Accounts Table (also known as cards) for contacts begining with the word Andrew and that also have a Account Type of 4.
      Then we assign Phone1 to a variable called phoneNumber.
      It could be Phone2, 3 or 4 if you use those fields.

      The Jupiter Server supports SSL and Authentication, so if your phone system is hosted or remote to your CommitCRM installation then this is not a problem.
      You can use C#, VB, Powershell or Perl to connect to the Jupiter Server to get you phone numbers. Any langauge that can send a WCF SOAP request should be ok too.

      Kind regards
      Andrew Dent
      Dentaur Pty Ltd

