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SMS Technician Job Details

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    SMS Technician Job Details

    This is one of the Online Services we use in our business which I hope you find handy. The service is designed to SMS technicians' job details.

    What is required: A clickatell (SMS provider) account

    How it works: Clickatell have an API which accepts SMS parameters through a URL string. In the string you send your Clickatell account details, mobile phone number (of technician), Name of customer, Address of customer, phone number of customer and details of problem. This information (customer) is extracted from the ticket table of CommitCRM.

    *** IMPORTANT *** When entering the ticket information into CommitCRM, be sure to use the "due date" field for the appointment time. This is what the online services sends as the appointment time

    We have a number of these scripts setup in Online Services, for example:

    SMS (John)
    SMS (Troy)
    SMS (Kyle)

    This way when a ticket is created, we just select the name of the technician and they have an SMS within seconds.
    Attached Files

    Re: SMS Technician Job Details

    That's an excellent idea. I just sent a feature request to Google about Google Voice for this.. :)


      Re: SMS Technician Job Details

      i cant install it says invalid structure


        Re: SMS Technician Job Details

        pops1000uk - we just downloaded it, open the Online Services window, selected Import, selected the downloaded file and it has been added as a new Online Service into our system.

        Can you try to download it again and import the newly downloaded file from the Online Services window?

        Let us know how it goes.



          Re: SMS Technician Job Details

          lol i did it, god knows what i was doing!


            Re: SMS Technician Job Details

            This is AWESOME. In conjunction with Interlink, I can now take a call from a new customer in the car, quickly and easily create a CommitCRM account from my phone, create a ticket from my phone, and that ticket is instantly sent to the allocated tech. Perfect for a small biz like mine with no office staff to take calls and create tickets within CommitCRM itself.



              Re: SMS Technician Job Details

              Hmm maybe not quite there yet - doesn't seem to be a way to trigger the SMS from the phone.

              Is there a way in CommitCRM I can automate things so that whenever a ticket is created an Online Service entry is triggered? Ie. if ticket is allocated to John, SMS (John) online service is triggered?

              If not in Commit, can the CommitCRM API be used to trigger this? Maybe Interlink can add it.


                Re: SMS Technician Job Details

                Thanks natrat, interesting automation stuff...
                Maybe the Alerts Server may help here. RangerMSP Alerts Server may send an email to technicians with the Ticket details by email. If your technicians can read emails on their mobile then you're done. Otherwise you may try to search for services that converts emails to SMS messages and configure the Alerts Server to send the email alert to an email address set for each technician for such a service.



                  Re: SMS Technician Job Details

                  Thanks, i kind of need to control it from my phone though so I'll see what Jim might think about integrating CommitCRM Online Services into Interlink.


                    Re: SMS Technician Job Details

                    Would this facility work in South Africa ? and how do I go about this ??


                      Re: SMS Technician Job Details

                      Yes, just sign up, by credits and use the script.


                        Re: SMS Technician Job Details

                        I just setup CommitCRM to send SMS msgs to customers from a ticket.
                        I'm using messagenet in Australia.

                        I just used one of the spare fields for the actual ticket for themessage and the mobile number off the client attached to the ticket.

                        Send SMS to Ticket Contact
                        Base URL:

                        Username=yourusername&Pwd=yourpass&PhoneNumber=<CM TLBLDATA_FLDTKTCONTACTID_FLDCRDPHONE2>&PhoneMessag e=<CMTLBLDATA_FLDTKTTICKETNO>: <CMTLBLDATA_FLDTKTUSER1>

                        I did make the suggetion to the support team that when they parse the Params, if any of them are null, ie no mobile or no message, it would be good for it to stop the process as it can't really send anything
                        Attached Files

