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November 6th, 2014, 08:41 PM
Posts: 32

I thought I had posted about this but must have thought about it and not posted - thought that counts though right?

Anyway, I am heavy web access user rather than desktop client user as I am out of the office a fair bit and do most of my timesheeting when I am at home.
Any chance that we will see the web access get proper reporting options like the client has... i am not too worried about creating reports (it would be nice) but would love to be able to get access to all of the reports we have in the system including the custom reports we have already created.

Surely I cant be the only one who would find this helpful?
You aren't the only one... and dont call me Shirley. :)
November 7th, 2014, 06:04 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Using the Web interface you can have access to all ticket-level form reports including reports your customized yourself. By this I refer to technician service forms/reports that depending on the format you select may also include Charges details. Such reports are then downloaded to you as PDF.

In any case, I'll take a note about including access to more reports from the Web interface. Thanks for asking! Besides, you may consider using the new Report Scheduler module. With it you can schedule reports that will be emailed to you automatically (daily, weekly, etc.) so in a way you can get the reports you need, that aren't ticket-level related, every night, like a list of all Charges added by all technicians throughout the day, etc.

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