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April 24th, 2020, 02:33 PM
Posts: 7
I found this feature description in the documentation (Email Connector) but I can't find where to enter the address to BCC... Any ideas??

Notifying Customers and Technicians on new Tickets
Email Connector allows you to notify your customers that the emails they sent became new Tickets.

You can set Email Connector to send an automatic response back to the customer, notifying him or her that a Ticket was opened out of his /her email. When you configure this in the ServerConfig, you can also define a BCC address for keeping track of these emails. In the BCC address you can enter your Internal Support email to receive each notification as an email.

All automatic responses are automatically forwarded back to the Email Connector, and filed under the Ticket as part of the ticket history.
April 27th, 2020, 06:05 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

In order to configure the BCC email address for auto-response emails, you should edit file <installation_folder>\Server\CmtEmailConnector.i ni and set the email address under the ResponseBCC token.

After saving the changes, you should RESTART the 'CRM Server' service on the server.

Hope this helps.
March 16th, 2021, 08:02 AM
Posts: 7
This is somewhat related, but is there a way to have all outgoing correspondence sent from within RangerMSP to automatically BCC an address? For example:

Technician replies to an email directly within RangerMSP. Depending on notification settings, the Ticket watchers, the ticket creator, manager may all get notification of the Technician's response, however, we want to also BCC a particular address on all of these outgoing emails no matter what notification settings are present.
March 16th, 2021, 08:54 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

Personal Email Recipients settings under the Tools > Options > Tickets-2 tab can be configured to receive ALL emails regarding all Tickets, regardless whether the user is a Ticket/Account manager or not.

As a result - all replies (i.e. from customers and from other employees) will be also emailed to this user email address.

Another option is to set a backup email address for Email Connector as explained here so ALL incoming emails will be forwarded there.

Hope this helps.

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