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August 25th, 2020, 02:46 AM
Posts: 3
We would like to be able to do a Marketing Email blast.

How can we Export Account / Contact details to CSV for this?
August 25th, 2020, 06:02 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Sure, you can export the Accounts right from the Accounts Window using Table Options > Export Table Data in the pop up menu. This will export all listed records. If needed, you can filter the list using the search or by applying a filter.

In case the Secondary Contacts are not listed in the Accounts Window, you should click the drop down right after the [All types] and select to show them.

It is also possible to use the Advanced Export (via the Tools menu > Import and Export > Export) that will allow you to control the exact fields that will get exported and their order in the output file.

Our recommendations are to export to Excel and then save the file as CSV or to any other format that Excel save-as option supports.

Hope this helps!

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