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January 25th, 2009, 01:22 PM
Posts: 1
I noticed that there is a "type" field in the accounts that is starred when the account is a secondary contact. Is there a way to set that field from the database to convert an account to a secondary contact?

January 26th, 2009, 07:42 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hello Eric,

Thank you for your suggestion. I'll make a note of your request and pass it along to the development team for consideration.

At the moment, if this helps, you can easily create secondary contacts by importing them from the account. To do this, go to the account's Contacts tab, right-click the contacts list area, and select the 'Import Secondary Contacts' option. This allows you to import contacts from a file, and it will create them as secondary contacts for this account.

BTW, from the same place, you can right-click an existing contact and use the 'Copy secondary contact to primary account' option. This will copy the contact information and will create a new account for it, while keeping a link between these accounts via the Relations tab. This is an interesting option which can help keep track of contacts moving between companies or opening their own business.

I hope this information is helpful


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