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August 12th, 2009, 01:41 AM
Posts: 4
Hi All
Is there a section on warranty procedures in the manuals
I want to be able to log a warranty returned to us
I need to see a summary of initial charges, then time spent repairing as a cost against initial repair.
I.e. Initial repair (1) hr $95.00 then Warranty time was (0.75) hr at $70.00 against this repair, but the summary report needs to show both transaction with final gross profit showing $25.00.

I tried creating another ticket and inputting a labour cost as (-1) hr at $70.00, used the charge summary report for this customer but it only shows a $25.00 transaction and no breakdown.

Is there an easier way to control an internal warranty claim for processing productivity.

kind regards
August 12th, 2009, 09:02 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Ray,

The way you tried to implement this sounds interesting. You don't need an extra ticket for this, only enter the extra charge. I think that if you use a detailed charge report you should be able to see both charges the way you want to. Try using a more details report (e.g. List of Charges), not a summary report. You can also use a Technician Service Form Including Charges. This should show you the information you want.

August 12th, 2009, 04:45 PM
Posts: 4
Hello Sherry
If I do this it will show that job was more profitable ($95.00 + 70.00 = $165.00) rather than losing money which is ($95.00 - 70.00 = $25.00).
I.E. First charge $95.00 but then the machine comes back in and I have to do this repair for free, therefore the time spent on this repair which is: $70.00 needs to go against the first repair so that my final profit for this job is $25.00.
I hope I am making sense
August 13th, 2009, 07:34 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Ray,

I think this can be done by entering two charges for the same ticket, one being negative. I will demonstrate, and I hope it will make this clearer:

1) Enter the work charge as a regular charge
2) Enter the warranty charge as a negative value

3) Now you have two charges for this ticket

4) When generating a report or an invoice, you will have the correct amount:

I hope this makes more sense now. Let me know if I'm missing anything.


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