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July 20th, 2010, 08:45 AM
Posts: 1,146
I tried to search, but it seems "print to pdf" it too short a phrase.

2 Months ago we moved our CommitCRM to a new server. We cant print to pdf using the web interface.

It worked previously. DEP is turned off for the service. We had a previous issue that required a local printer to be installed, that didnt help this time.

Error log

FirstWrite 20072010_081349 OS:2 5 2 3790 Service Pack 2 SYSTEM 600SC

Exception_Class=EPrintError 0
Exception_Msg=Unable to open file: \CommitCRM\TmpCommit\CommitWebInterface_DW_REPTKTT ECSERVICEFORM_4HYMX37SZW.raf.
Cur_Thread_ID=3776, $EC0
Main_Thread_ID=3776, $EC0
July 20th, 2010, 01:06 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528

This may be related to no printer (any) installation on your server. It's an issue resolved in RangerMSP 5.3 (and above).

If you're using an earlier version RangerMSP 5.2 and below you should install a "dummy" printer on your server. Once installed, restart RangerMSPWebInterface service and try again.

Let us know if this helps.


July 21st, 2010, 07:34 AM
Posts: 1,146
Server has a printer installed.
July 21st, 2010, 09:07 AM
Posts: 1,146
Is there a way to get expedited support? We sent a support email and got no response.
July 21st, 2010, 09:14 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528

First, I checked and your Support Form only referred us to this thread. In case you have sent us another email please let us know as I couldn't find any. Thanks.

In any case, if you do have a printer configured in your server and it works well, please verify the a Local System user, under which the Web Interface service runs, has privileges to access this printer.

In addition, you should carefully verify that a Local System user also has ALL rights and ALL privileges to write to the RangerMSP server folder tree. This is very important as the PDF is created there and then being downloaded.

After any change you perform restart RangerMSPWebInterface service and see if it helps.

In case the above does not help, please send us your log files using the Help menu > Technical Support in RangerMSP.


July 21st, 2010, 05:14 PM
Posts: 1,146
Looks like it was a folder permissions issue. Working now, thanks

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