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February 14th, 2011, 07:49 AM
Posts: 7
I need to export charges on a mothly basis, I have filter the Charges Advanced export and get a very nice output .. except for one thing.
The export does not summarize the hours spent on the Account in the differet Items.
I get 1.5 hours spent on item 1, 2 hours spent on item 1, ½ hours spent on item 2 and so forth.

I would like it to export for each acoount how many hours spent on item 1 on how many on item 2 and so forth.
February 14th, 2011, 08:35 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Morten,

Thank you for posting this.

The advanced data export wizard lets you export lots of fields and data, including related data. Once you have the data in Excel you'll need to manipulate it as needed. The export tool is not designed to export summaries after the raw data, this is something that you'll need to do in Excel.

Hope this helps.

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