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August 29th, 2013, 11:40 AM
Posts: 1
Is there any solution to creating an account with multi sites that share a contract?
For example, I have a customer with 13 sites across the US and they all share a managed service contract. If I create a support ticket, I can only do so on the main account in order to use the contract against the ticket.
I tried putting the sites in as contacts but tickets can't be created on contacts.
Any suggestions or fixes for this issue?
Thank you, Michelle.
August 29th, 2013, 11:57 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Each Ticket is linked to both an Account and to a Contact. So I believe that you were on the right tracks with storing sites as Contacts. You then select them for the Ticket after the Account is selected and they can all share the same Contract.

Hope this helps.
September 4th, 2013, 12:42 PM
Posts: 524

We've done this but it breaks down when users send in requests for service (and so the ticket get's linked to their contact instead of the site). Thinking it wouldn't be very difficult to add a "site" field to everything (contacts, assets, tickets, etc.) and have the ability to process that was as well (e.g. all tickets would be assigned an account, a site AND a contact).

cheers --


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