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May 19th, 2014, 12:55 PM
Posts: 31
Good Afternoon to all Quotewerks users.

I am reviewing this product and was wondering if you are able to send out quotes for anti-virus automatically when the subscription is close to its expiration date.

For example...

If a copy of the AV is set to expire June 30,2014 can the Quotewerks system be configured to notify the customer with a current quote at the 30 day expiration date or is that still a manual process?

Thank you for your feedback.
May 21st, 2014, 05:31 PM
Posts: 942
No, I don't believe that it has that layer of automation. This would be a function of your PSA/CRM. I would set the asset expiration date and the report on that once a month. Not ideal, but probably the best way to handle it.

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