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April 6th, 2017, 08:41 AM
Posts: 104
Every time I open CommitCRM I get a dialog box titled "Warning" with the message "Save changes? and a Yes, No, and Cancel button. This just started happening with the last week or so, and nothing seems to change regardless of which button I press. Please advise.
April 6th, 2017, 08:49 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Interesting. I don't think that we've heard about something similar before. Do you have windows that auto-open on log in? Does this happen to other users too? Please email us a screenshot of this message (and the entire RangerMSP app behind) so we'll be able to "get" what it is better. Thanks.
April 9th, 2017, 10:08 AM
Posts: 104
Not sure what you mean by "Do you have windows that auto-open on log in?". If you mean do I have a saved windows configuration in CommitCRM the answer is yes (as I always have had). No, it does not do it for other users. Nor does it happen when I log in to a different CommitCRM account, but it happens to me regardless of the computer I log in on, including a brand new laptop that I just set up. Emailing screenshot.
April 10th, 2017, 06:00 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
As also discussed in by email, we suspect that this is somehow related to the windows that were saved to load when RangerMSP starts.
We recommend that you will try to reset the saved windows and try to load RangerMSP, at least once, without it. After RangerMSP loads close all internal windows that are loaded during startup and then use the option under the Windows menu > 'Save current windows configuration for Next Logins'. Then, try to run RangerMSP client again and see if the message is gone. In case it's gone - save the relevant windows again for next logins.

Hope this helps.
April 10th, 2017, 06:46 AM
Posts: 104
That worked! Thank you.

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