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August 3rd, 2019, 06:19 AM
PC Southwest
Posts: 23
Hi All,

Using CommitCRM and Quickbooks Online, we are using the batch invoice to push invoices from CommitCRM to QB. Which generally working fine.

We are seeing an issue where the "Terms" are not being set on the invoice and as some clients are Direct Debit and others are Net15 this is confusing the clients.

I do not believe CommitCRM sends this information to QB, or at least cannot find anything that suggests this, have setup every client on QB to have Terms and Payment method.

This also does the same with a single create invoice.

I cannot find any way to batch update the invoices (we do batch to set the Direct Debit).

Any suggestions are appreciated.

August 5th, 2019, 06:12 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thanks for sharing here. From our discussion about this over email and further testing, while generating an invoice in QuickBooks Online from RangerMSP, the Terms are automatically set by QuickBooks, if any were defined for the customer.

However, if the invoice's Due Date was set while generating the invoice in RangerMSP, QuickBooks uses the Due Date for the invoice and does not set the Terms. It makes sense, as otherwise there might be a mismatch between the Due Date and the Terms shown on the invoice.

In other words, in case you want the Terms to show on the invoice - you should NOT set the Due Date while generating the invoice from RangerMSP.

Hope this helps.
August 6th, 2019, 03:33 AM
PC Southwest
Posts: 23
Thank you, our testing has confirmed this is the way it works.

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