RangerMSP Business Automation for successful ITs

August 30th, 2010, 03:59 PM
Posts: 27
I was wondering if it was possible to have another field appear when we create a new account within CommitCRM or if we can replace the Web field with another name ??? Also can we have it so we can have a drop down of items to select from for this field ??

This is important for us to gather information on clients when we create them.. At the moment we have nominated a field outside of this new account screen but find it a long process to go back into the account to complete this information once we create the account.

Also not sure if it is possible but when utilising the dispatcher to move a job from one employee to the next. Is it possible to change the manager of the ticket to the person we move the ticket to automatically when we move it within the dispatcher ?? As at the moment if we move a job to another tech, we need to go into the ticket and change the manager in there which seems to be abit of a pain...

Your feedback is greatly appreciated..
August 31st, 2010, 06:01 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528

The fields appear in the New Account Window are fixed and no additional fields can be added to this Window.
However, once the Account is added from the Accounts main window, you have immediate access to all of the Accounts fields, including custom ones, if added, once the new Account Window is confirmed.

In case the Account is add using the + sign, like when adding a new Ticket for a new customer and you add the new customer Account directly from the new Ticket Window (again, by clicking the + sign near the Account for the Ticket), then, you do need to visit the newly created Account window in order to fill in the additional fields.
This is probably less convenient, however, you can always use the option to open the Account details directly from the Ticket window (or any other window links to an Account), without the needing to search for the Account.
For this you can always right click the Account name, for example right click the Account name of a Ticket or Asset, a menu pops up, select "Show Account..." and a new Window will open displaying this Account details. This may save tons of time searching for the newly created Account, or even in general, when you need to see the details of a linked Account.

Ticket manager: For each Ticket in RangerMSP you can assign a single manager employee. However, to resolve the ticket itself, you can assign different employees to do the job. For example, a Ticket for "New Server Installation" may require one technician to build the system, another employee the deliver it to the customer on a scheduled date/time, and a third technician that will perform all required changes locally at the customer site until the new server is working well and actually being used. In RangerMSP you can assign all these Tasks and scheduled on-site visits (appointments) to different technicians, while still have a manager employee for the Ticket. In this example, you probably wouldn't want that when changing employee X, scheduled for server delivery, to technician Y, that the Ticket manager would have automatically change to technician Y.

That being said I do see why for some tickets, ones that are entirely managed by a single technician, your suggestion makes sense. However, I'm not sure what would be the best way to implement this and support both modes: (1) Tickets you want their manager to automatically be changed when a scheduled appointment is assigned to another technician than the manager, (2) Tickets when you want a complete separation between the Ticket manager and the employee/s assigned to work on these tickets. We're open to ideas here.


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