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July 9th, 2012, 08:53 PM
Posts: 2
I seen one other post about this but no resolution. When running the setup wizard to integrate Quickbooks I get error

Error connecting to the specified company data file: Z:\Public\Documents\Intuit\QuickBooks\Company Files\companyfile.QBW.

Message received from QuickBooks:
Error Code: 0080040308
Message: Cannot Create QBXMlRP2 COM component"
July 10th, 2012, 06:31 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

The QBXMlRP2 mentioned in the message is a COM component/object that is a part of the integration layer/API offered by QuickBooks and it is a required component for RangerMSP to be able to access and connect to QuickBooks. This is why QuickBooks should be installed on each PC where you want to use the link between RangerMSP and QuickBooks.

Based on this message I suspect that QB is not locally installed on the same machine that runs RangerMSP client.

Once QB will be installed on these PCs and you will be able to open the shared company file in QuickBooks on this PC, the link from RangerMSP should also work.

In case QB is already installed on this machine it is most likely that its API componenets weren’t installed correctly or that the logged in user does not have enough privileges to activate and access these components. If this is the case they please try using a user with higher privileges, or reinstall QB ‘As Administrator’ to verify that all necessary components are actually installed.

July 10th, 2012, 11:50 AM
Posts: 2
That worked. Thanks.

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