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March 18th, 2008, 07:59 AM
Easy I.T.
Posts: 36
I have just started trialling CommitCrm.

How are others handling invoicing? Which reports are you using and are you sending just these reports to the client? Or are you using this information and then entering it into your accounting package (we use MYOB) and then generating your invoices within your accounting packages?

I am thinking of generating a report - (Not sure which one - I think we may need to create our own), then just get the total and put this into our accounting package and generate an invoice with with item for the total and send it along with the report.

Have you customised any of the forms? Does anyone want to share these?

Keen to hear what others are doing.

March 19th, 2008, 03:52 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528

Our input on this - I believe the way you plan to work should do the job fine. You can indeed use Charge reports and send them to your clients (or as an appendix to an Invoices), and log only the totals to the Accounting software. You can read some more about this in out Getting Started guide, under "Bill the Customer" section. You can read more about customizing report in our FAQ > Reports.
I know that many users customize and design their own Charge reports (for internal use as well as for sending reports to clients). You should review the existing reports - by customer, by service ticket, by customer, contract and service ticket etc. and see what works best for you.

Note that you may also consider more advanced options of using Import & Export in order to import your Items from MYOB into RangerMSP and export Charges from RangerMSP to be used in MYOB. You may also consider using a more technical solution, which involves using ODBC and our API in order to access the RangerMSP database and add/edit the information.


March 19th, 2008, 05:26 PM
Posts: 16
Is the API available now? If so, how do you get it?
March 20th, 2008, 06:37 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Both ODBC link and the RangerMSP API are currently in beta and are offered to registered customers. Please contact Support @ directly for additional information.

March 20th, 2008, 07:47 PM
Posts: 42
Jeremy, we invoice by using the Commit/QuickBooks interface. It has cut our billing time to about 2 hours per month, works slick.
April 10th, 2008, 01:34 AM
Posts: 5
does anyone know if it works now with quickbooks 2008 accountant

April 10th, 2008, 01:58 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Yes! Version 4.3 which was recently released officially support for UK and Canadian QuickBooks 2008 versions when using the RangerMSP-QuickBooks Link (QuickBooks US 2008 is already supported).

UK and Canadian users who use the QuickBooks 2008 edition should make sure to select the correct QuickBooks version in the Tools > Options window, under the QuickBooks tab.

You can read more about the new version and download the upgrade here.


April 10th, 2008, 06:57 AM
Posts: 115
I use to use Myob and what I would do is print the invoices from CommitCRM but transfer them by hand to Myob. There is no easy way.

I've recently change to Quickbooks and never looked back. Better program and works with CommitCRM seamlessly.

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