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multi-select in tickets inbox view --

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    multi-select in tickets inbox view --

    I know this came up before but can we fast track the ability to muli-select tickets in the Inbox view and mark them as read/unread and especially "Remove From Inbox"... I have neglected to manage my Inbox for 21 days and now have 311 items listed there... there's absolutely no way I'm going to right click each line, move the mouse then select "remove from inbox" 311 times which means this window is now useless to me.

    please help!

    thanks --


    Re: multi-select in tickets inbox view --

    We've received other request for this and I've added your vote thanks. Another user has resolved this by using a tool called - autoit - that lets you easily write a script that does the clicks for you. We know it helped him so maybe it'll help you too.



      Re: multi-select in tickets inbox view --

      I wrote a small Autoit script for this purpose.

      Email me if you want it. I lost hours of my life doing what you just described...

