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March 12th, 2013, 04:24 PM
Posts: 2
Is there a way to create a field that can select multiple items from a list? Specifically, I want to store what software our customers use and sometimes they use more than one in each category.

March 13th, 2013, 07:02 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

Generally we recommend to manage customers' software and other equipment using Assets. Each software can be added as Asset under Account with relevant information such as licenses, installation and expiration dates and etc.

You can also track Asset's service history by linking Tickets to the Asset.
March 29th, 2013, 02:19 PM
Posts: 524
+++ on his one!

One example of how this might be useful is in creating a custom filed with a multi-select filed for contacts related to their service access rights. This way we could create a list that would include things like "helpdesk support", "add/remove users", "request data access modifications", "authorized purchases", "domain admin rights", etc. -- from there we could multi-select from a pre-defined list so that our internal techs could quickly know specifically what rights a user has when calling in for support.

Another example would be a multi-select list (again for contacts but this would require more fields!!!!!!!!!) to include things like "holiday cards", "newsletter", "emergency notifications", "professional mailings", etc. -- from this list we could quickly determine who gets holiday cards, who should get emergency notifications and who gets our newsletter... (!)

Think of this request as being equal to setting up outlook categories on a global scale. We really (REALLY) miss outlook categories!



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