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August 28th, 2012, 12:56 PM
Posts: 524
We rely heavily on this feature but how it's implemented causes us a tremendous amount of extra work every time something changes – specifically when we hire/dismiss an employee.

About half of our clients have custom pricing. Currently, when a new employee comes on board, we have to go through each-and-every client and manually update their custom pricing information. What we have done to help this process is create "template" accounts/contracts and run through the entire client list one at a time to see if they are either standard pricing or one of our two custom pricing levels and apply the changes by using the "copy all custom pricing settings" from the template accounts/contracts. While this works OK, it sure is a ton of extra work any time we have a change!!

What I would like to propose is that each account have a drop down field in the custom pricing tab where we can select a default account/contract for custom pricing. That would allow us to continue to set up our template accounts/contracts with all the custom pricing then simply reference the template account/contract directly -- that way if we needed to make a change, we would simply update the template accounts and be done with it.

This would be in addition to the existing custom pricing process... that way, the default template account/contract would get applied first, then the exceptions list would apply. Super simple and way-mo-better for us!!!

let me know if this doesn't make sense -- thanks!!

August 29th, 2012, 06:06 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for suggesting this.
January 2nd, 2013, 10:46 AM
Posts: 524
happy new year!

I wanted to bump this request again to see if anyone else is using custom pricing. I spent hours on updating custom pricing for our clients just to add a few items to the mix... this would have been trivial if we had the option to simply "link" the custom pricing back to a default or template account. Any thoughts on if this is being considered for a future release?


February 27th, 2013, 08:09 PM
Posts: 29
This is something I am looking for. I have a number of customers that have custom pricing. Each time, I have to set up the pricing for a new customer that fits the criteria that we defined. If there was a way to insert it into a new customer, that would save me alot of time and hassle.
February 28th, 2013, 06:04 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
You can copy custom pricing settings from existing Account/Contract.
Please review this article.
March 29th, 2013, 02:25 PM
Posts: 524
Just for clarity, the copy feature works well enough but is not a good solution if the custom pricing changes every month (when we add SKU's, hire/fire someone, etc.). When this happens, the copy feature requires someone to go through every account and update accordingly (not only time consuming but introduces human error).

If we could simply set up the Template Accounts with the custom pricing accordingly and have normal accounts reference that directly, we could then simply update the handful of Template Accounts and our entire client base would immediately get updated (databases rock!).



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